Your smart audioguide

The audio guide that wasn't there before. Accessible, multilangual, intuitive is now in your pocket to help you identify and understand the artworks of the Uffizi Gallery

Florence Uffizi Paintings: Famous Artworks

Locate, listen, explore and enjoy the artworks

Forget traditional audio guides. All you need is in your pocket. Essential and immediate, the app that will guide you during your visit without diverting your attention from the artworks. Simply enjoy your tour...


Easy and smart access to info

Discover artworks through the exploration page and find them grouped by position or artist. Use textual research to find them typing the title or artist name. Add artworks to your favorite collection to find them quickly.

Image, Audio, Details

Wear headphones or bring your phone to your ear and let yourself be guided by narrations. Look at the images or discover the details of the artworks to better appreciate them.

Image recognition

Image recognition

Recognize contents by framing them with your camera. If they are in the app, you'll be able to immediately access the corresponding information

Interactive maps

Check the position of artworks to better move around and locate yourself. Find rooms and artworks and explore each detail.


Art belongs to everyone. Accessibility is one of the issues we most cherish. This app can be used the same way by sighted people and people with visual impairments: nobody shall be left behind!

Frequently updated

Actually we have italian and english localization, but new translations and pieces of content are on the way: we are constantly improving features and content. We promise!

Watch the video

Uffizi Gallery App

You can't visit the Uffizi Gallery without it!!!

Smart and intuitive

Quick interaction to find artworks of interest and discover their tips.


New languages are coming soon...


Can use all features without internet connection. Download the app and choose you language, you don't need anything else.


See the photos, read the information, listen to the audios and learn all about artworks you are looking.


No more poor quality apps. We use the most innovative technologies to give you the best experience.

For everyone

This app is for everyone regardless of their disabilities.

Davvero utile
Mi ha aiutato ad apprezzare meglio le bellissime opere del museo. Ci fosse un sistema così in tutti i musei, le visite sarebbero un’esperienza ancora più completa. Consigliata!
nines56 - 13 Jul 2019
Un must per visitare gli Uffizi!
Perché non è l’app ufficiale!? Finalmente si possono ascoltare le descrizioni delle opere comodamente dalle cuffie! Ottima la navigazione mi ha fatto trovare opere che mi erano sfuggite
DoubleDude - 25 Jul 2019
牛肉面7 - 20 Jul 2019
L'ho utilizzata durante la mia visita al museo. Va bene, lettura veloce e fa capo a ciò che può essere utile sapere. Cartina interessante con i riferimenti alle opere. Sono certa che per chi avrà interesse di far una visita con le info basilari rispetto alle opere, questa app sarà una buona soluzione.
Paola - 30 June 2019
Utilised this app during a visit to the gallery and found it very useful. Highly recommend if visiting.
Robert - 23 Jul 2019

Enjoy your visit with 'Uffizi Gallery App'

also available for your tablet

What are you waiting for? Download now!!!